Version 17 (modified by kkiyoko, 16 years ago) |
Satellite meeting for GlycoBiology?
Create and discuss about Taverna wolkflows for GycoBiology?.
- GlycoEpitopeDB
- H-InvDB
- Consortium for Functional Glycomics (CFG)
- GlycomeDB
- (GlycoGeneDB)
- relations to diseases and SNPs
- Kiyoko F. Aoki-Kinoshita
- Shujiro Okuda
- Shin Kawano
- Chisato Yamasaki
- Develop and register web services on BioMoby? such that glycobiologists can create workflows for glycobiology research.
- GlycoEpitopeDB:
- Query GlycoEpitope? DB using a query and retrieve all IDs of entries containing the keyword.
- Retrieve glycan structures in IUPAC format using GlycoEpitope? IDs.
- Convert a glycan structure in IUPAC format into KCF format, by which glycan structure queries can be made.
- GlycoEpitopeDB:
- Create a workflow for analyzing glyco-gene-related diseases: Use OMIM to search for diseases related to loci of human homologs of target genes from other species, such as fruit fly. Retrieve any SNPs that are known to be related.
It took longer than expected, but we were able to create a BioMoby? web service in GlycoEpitope?.
- GlycoEpitope?
- getGlycoEpitopeIDfromKeyword
- getIUPACfromGlycoEpitopeID
- getKCFfromIUPAC
Our workflow thus takes as input a keyword and searches GlycoEpitopeDB for entries matching the keyword. The retrieved entries are then used to get the glycan structures from each entry in IUPAC format. A new utility in RINGS was then developed to convert from IUPAC to KCF format. In an additional step, we retrieved similar glycan structures to the converted ones in KCF format. However, we still need to develop a parser to retrieve the KEGG GLYCAN IDs along with their scores from the GlycomicsObject?.
The disease-related workflow was able to retrieve H-Inv entries containing the OMIM Ids which were retrieved from OMIM for entries containing a particular keyword. The issue is that the output is in XML and contains entries which do not contain any SNPs, which we want to filter out. Tom showed us how to make a beanshell script which can be added to the workflow, and it worked!
- The Taverna 2 workbench could use some tweaking:
- When Taverna first starts up, there's a nice tree of all the web service activities that can be performed. However, after performing a search, there's no way to get that tree back.
- Some inconsistencies when using a Mac. No right-mouse button - it's usually mapped to ctrl-click, but it doesn't work all the time.
- BioMoby? installation with Perl-MoSeS is quite cumbersome.
- The cache on the server side of the web service needs to be updated in order for the BioMoby? web service to work. Intuitively, it doesn't seem necessary - as long as the web service code is on the server, it should work!
- It'd be nice to have a simpler way to install the code on the server. The dashboard client is nice for the programmer.
Select one:
- Chura Hall (3F)
(26.5 KB) - added by kawano 16 years ago.
(50.2 KB) - added by kawano 16 years ago.
(27.4 KB) - added by shuo50 16 years ago.
(50.2 KB) - added by shuo50 16 years ago.