Version 25 (modified by chisato-yamasaki, 15 years ago) |
Guideline for Web Services
This document is a guideline to design web services toward integration.
- For a database service, REST services to get entries and search by a keyword should be provided.
- To unify a format of a query, a query language should conform to Common Query Language.
- A method to get the number of hits for a keyword should be provided.
- A method to get the list of hit entries for a keyword should be provided.
- A method to get the entry from an ID should be provided.
- If the entry does not exist, the method should return code 404 and an empty entry.
- Path parameters (/foo/bar/baz) should be used for a REST URL and query parameters (param1=value1¶m2=value2) should not be used.
- Lower-case letters should be used for path parameters in principle.
- If a URL ends "/", a list of possible strings after the URL should be returned in principle.
- When a method return a list, each line should correspond to an entry and each field should be divided by tab.
- A manual for each method should be prepared.
- The manual should include an example of parameters such that the method works well by them.
- Each method should be verified to use Java, Perl, Ruby and Python.
- Providing sample codes for such languages is better.
- For asynchronous services, a job ID should be provided.
- When any error occurs during processing at a server, a method should return "SOAP Fault".
- A manual for each method should be prepared.
- The following types should be used:
- INSDC for sequences,
- MIAMI for expression data,
- GLYDE-II for glycans,
- tab format for key-value.
- For a method to get an entry or search entries by keyword, REST is recommended. For a method of analysis service, SOAP is recommended.
TogoWS TogoWS Guidelines
TogoWS stated the rulers as below:
How to call the entries[,entry_id2,...]/field[.format]
If the name space of the databases are in URL:
How to add the name spaces for the institution, release_numer of the database:
NOTE: The default fotmat for the entries is “.txt”, and can be in the specified format by adding the suffix, such as “.xml”.
Calling a part of the entry: The method to call the part of the entries by field names is the extension of TogoWS using BioRuby/BioPerl?
How to search the entries[.format][/offset,limit[.format]]
The format of "query string" to be based on “Common Query Language" Common Query Language
The conversion of data format and ID
- The list of the databases
- The list of the fields
- The list of the formats
- Required test environment
- Perl: Soap::Lite 0.69
- Ruby: SOAP4R 1.5.5 (Ruby 1.8.6 bundle)
- Python: SOAPpy 0.12.0
- Java: Axis 1.4
- SOAP version 1.2, at least
- Calling a method with asynchronous
- The name for the method with asynchronous end with “Async” and return job ID
- Rerurn job ID to “CheckAsyncStatus??” method and give either RUNNING, COMPLETED, or ERROR
- Method name for the method with asynchronous mst be” BeginInvoke? methods+Result” and stae job ID as a parameter
- version Manifest2.0_e? (2009/03/20)