Version 60 (modified by severin, 15 years ago) |
Day 3: Visualization Workgroup Discussion
Hands on: March 19 AM at the seminar room
- Network
- Cytoscape was presented by Keiichiro@UCSD ( )
- E-Cell 3D was presented by Kazuharu@Keio ( )
- GraphViz
- BioCichlid by Soichi@tmd --
- EdgeExpressDB (eeDB) was presented by Jessica Severin@RIKEN ( -- currently protected; available soon)
- Expression
- Cytoscape * Cytoscape
- kozo-ni's usecase
- retrieve a organism's all metabolic reactions from KEGG
- convert node format from [compound -> enzyme -> compound] to [compound -> compound] or [enzyme -> enzyme] like following paper
- calculate betweeneth and find bottlenecks (currently I use CentiScaPe? plugin or igraph[R library])
- map gene expression to enzyme
- kozo-ni's usecase
- Genespring
- TMeV
- PREP+07
- bluejay
- Biocichlid
- FANTOM4 eeDB - Jessica Severin@RIKEN
- genoDive
- will be available with GFF3 file or from DAS server
- Cytoscape * Cytoscape
- Genome
- Ensembl
- GBrowse
- PARP (multi genomes: m) waspresented by Jan@Sanger (
- genoDive was presented by Shinobu@Kazusa and Kunihiro@UT (
- A genome viewer projected on a wall type display was presented by Kunihiro@UT
- CGAS (m) by Masumi@hokudai ( )
- Genome Projector was presented by Kazuharu@Keio ( )
- bluejay ( )
- ( )
- google GenomeBrowser
- eeDB gLyphs prototype
- MaDaS ( , click on "Go directly to example" in order to see an example)
- Cytoscape
- kozo-ni(kozo-ni@…)
- usecase
- retrieve an organism's all metabolic reactions from KEGG
- convert node format from [compound -> enzyme -> compound] to [compound -> compound] or [enzyme -> enzyme] like following paper
- calculate betweeneth and find bottlenecks (currently I use CentiScaPe? plugin or igraph[R library])
- map gene expression to enzyme
- data
- affymetrix gene-chip expression data
- functionality needs
- get an organism's all metabolic reactions from KEGG
- draw enzyme or compound centric network. (In enzyme centric network, enzyme nodes share a common compound. In compound centric network, compound nodes share a common enzyme.)
- time-series expression mapping function
- difficulty
- blah,blah,blah
- usecase
- kozo-ni(kozo-ni@…)
- E-Cell 3D
- show dynamics of cellular simulations as well as the network
- debug a simulation model - a molecule could be depleted or too concentrated, steady-state (balanced flux), rhythms
- looking at the overall behavior
- Genome Projector
- look at a feature of interest from several different perspectives (zoom level + context)
- overlay data
- pARP
- show links between several features on one genome, e.g. mappings of readpair data
- genoDive
- visualize a whole genome data from chromosome level to sequence level seamlessly and interactively
- easy to use user interface and provide some new accessibility features
- genome oriented DAS client
- built in C++, OpenGL.
- visualize sequence alignments of genome sequences by dot plot with annotations.
- dynamic zooming and browsing.
- data
- users' alignment data & annotation from NCBI.
Future directions
- semantic zooming
- need for queries (DAS?) to define semantic abstraction of data
- server-side implementation to handle semantic abstraction level of returned data