Changes between Version 24 and Version 25 of SatelliteSeqAnalysis

2009/03/24 18:14:50 (15 years ago)



  • SatelliteSeqAnalysis

    v24 v25  
    99== Mapping tools == 
    10 Maq[[BR]] 
    11 ELAND[[BR]] 
    12 [ BOWTIE] Ultra-short reads, Burrows-Wheeler index. [[BR]] 
    13 [ Lasergene] Support 454/Solexa. GUI interface for displaying alignments and contigs organization (scaffolds) [[BR]] 
    14 [ GSMapper] 
     10 * Maq 
     11 * ELAND 
     12 * [ BOWTIE] Ultra-short reads, Burrows-Wheeler index. 
     13 * [ Lasergene] Support 454/Solexa. GUI interface for displaying alignments and contigs organization (scaffolds)  
     14 * [ GSMapper] 
    1515    *  Map reads to any reference genome and generate a consensus sequence. 
    1616    * Easily view all differences compared to the reference sequence with automatic output to separate files: Insertions (blocks up to 50 bases), Deletions (blocks up to 50 bases), SNPs 
    1818    * Compare large, complex genomes of any size including: resequencing of whole genomes from humans, plants, yeasts, bacteria, fungi, viruses, YACs, BACs, fosmids 
    1919    * Data outputs: fna.file (sequence of contigs, FASTA format), qual.file (corresponding Phred equivalent quality score), ace.file (consensus alignment of the reads against a given reference sequence) 
    20 [[BR]] 
    21 [ SHRiMP] supports letter-space (454/Solexa), color-space (Solid) and Helicos 2-pass space. Spaced-seeds followed by S-W. [[BR]] 
    22 [ Lastz] Blast(z) variant. Has parameter settings tuned for 454 and Solexa mapping for both reference based assembly and variant discovery. [[BR]] 
    23 [ EMBOSS]  [[BR]] 
     21 * [ SHRiMP] supports letter-space (454/Solexa), color-space (Solid) and Helicos 2-pass space. Spaced-seeds followed by S-W.  
     22 * [ Lastz] Blast(z) variant. Has parameter settings tuned for 454 and Solexa mapping for both reference based assembly and variant discovery.  
     23 * [ EMBOSS] 
     24 * [ LAST] 
    2425many mores.... but never used. 
    2627== Assemble tools == 
    28 [ GSAssembly]  
     29 * [ GSAssembly]  
    2930    *  Performs whole genome shotgun assembly of genomes with or without paired-end data. 
    3031    * Order contigs into scaffolds using supported paired-end reads. 
    3334    * Select the read files you want to assemble by browsing in the GUI. 
    3435    * Data outputs: fna.file (sequence of contigs, FASTA format), qual.file (corresponding Phred equivalent quality score), ace.file (alignment of the reads to contig sequence) 
    35 [[BR]] 
    36 [ Lasergene] Support 454/Solexa. GUI interface for displaying alignments and contigs organization (scaffolds) [[BR]] 
    37 [ Velvet][[BR]] 
    38 [ EMBOSS] [[BR]] 
     37 * [ Lasergene] Support 454/Solexa. GUI interface for displaying alignments and contigs organization (scaffolds) 
     38 * [ Velvet] 
     39 * [ EMBOSS] 
    3940many mores.... but never used. 
    4142== Platforms ==  
    42 [ Roche, 454] [[BR]] 
    43 [ Illumina, Solexa] [[BR]] 
    44 [ AB, Solid] [[BR]] 
     43 * [ Roche, 454] 
     44 * [ Illumina, Solexa] 
     45 * [ AB, Solid] 
    4647== Notes == 
    48 Every new software must handle this "huge" amount of data. [[BR]] 
    49 Some veriations SNP, deletion, insertion can by identified during mapping/assembly process, other things more "new biology" needs more work by bionformaticians.  [[BR]] 
    50 Support from biologists is required in order to discover more new things. 
     49 * Every new software must handle this "huge" amount of data.  
     50 * Some veriations SNP, deletion, insertion can by identified during mapping/assembly process, other things more "new biology" needs more work by bionformaticians.   
     51 * Support from biologists is required in order to discover more new things. 
    5253== TODOs == 
    54 Connected to SatelliteBigData a LIMS infrastructure is suggested for tracking history and infer problems coming from wet-lab. [[BR]] 
    55 From SatelliteVisualization these tools could be very usefull to explore at any level all the informations collected, from the alignment (lower) up to annotation/comparison (higher). The informations are intended as local (faltfile/databases/webservices) or remote (databases/webservices).  [[BR]] 
    56 Editing in real time, providing alternatives for hypothesis. [[BR]] 
     55Connected to SatelliteBigData a LIMS infrastructure is suggested for tracking history and infer problems coming from wet-lab.  
     57From SatelliteVisualization these tools could be very usefull to explore at any level all the informations collected, from the alignment (lower) up to annotation/comparison (higher). The informations are intended as local (faltfile/databases/webservices) or remote (databases/webservices).   
     59Editing in real time, providing alternatives for hypothesis.  
    5861Easy tools to integrate informations coming from different platforms (illumina, 454, solid).