Version 6 (modified by kono, 15 years ago)


Biomart API for Cytoscape

Use Case

  • I have a network in Cytoscape session and want to import some attributes ONLY FOR genes which exists on current network.
  • I want to import ID conversion table from Ensemble Gene ID to HGNC Symbol for all human genes

Function Request

  • Cytoscape sends list of IDs/terms as a query. This list should be included returned data table. Otherwise, Cytoscape cannot map any attributes.

Desired API

public interface BioMartUtil {

	public Collection<String> getMartList(URL martLocation);
	public Collection<String> getIDListFilter(String martName);
	public Collection<String> getBooleanListFilter(String martName);
        // Simply returns list of entry as table.  FIRST COLUMN IS ALWAYS ID LIST SENT AS QUERY.
	public Collection<String[]> getResult(Query query);